Meeting with Nathanaël de Rincquesen, the journalist and television presenter on France 2, told us during an interview his passion for golf. By Frédérique de Granvilliers.

Nathanael de Rincquesen - Photo: DR

Nathanael de Rincquesen - Photo: DR

How did your passion for golf come about?

I am a young golfer! I started four years ago. I was looking for a sport not too violent, something fun, outdoors, not necessarily requiring a partner. There was a golf course next to my home ten minutes away, the Aumont golf course in Montmorency in the Val d'Oise. I took a bucket and then two ...

And some courses?

During three months. I had the dread of finding myself on a course and annoying others. After I did like everyone else, courses, competitions, trips .. I have a freshness of mind which gives me pleasure and a will to progress.

As soon as you put a club in my hands, a ball on a course I am happy.

Photo: DR

Photo: DR

What is your index today?

I am 12 ½. I have progressed well. I play regularly - 2/3 times a week and all year round. I play golf which is ten minutes from my house, full of character.

Does your family play too?

It has become a family sport and it's very fun. My wife and two elders - the latter is too young but she is already looking at clubs and balls in an interesting way, so if she wants, she should play in a few years too.

Do you have a lucky club?

Not really. My only madness I bought a Ping G 25 driver and I have a great Japanese shast. Before my balls tended to go to the right but having this shast allows me to feel the clubhead better and to cross the ball better.

A good putter too?

I have many. Some days I take out one, others another. I admit you lose a lot of points in putting. I still have room for improvement.

Are you still very stylish on TV, and golf?

I am lucky to have a professional partner Hugo Boss who dresses me at Télématin (Editor's note: He presents La Matinale on France 2) and who also gives me some cool outfits for golf. They have great materials, stretch, beautiful cuts. Some members of my club liked it so much that our entire boys' team - which is in the First Division - is now dressed as Hugo Boss (for your information, our women's team will move up to the First Division).

Photo: DR

Photo: DR

What does golf bring you physically and mentally?

It allowed me to resume physical activity - I was very athletic when I was a student - and to lose a few pounds. I gained flexibility - I don't have any back pain at all. Mentally, I'm a naturally calm person, rarely stressed out so that doesn't help me. I remain a calm boy, even under pressure.

Who do you play with during the week?

Alone or with friends. Even before the sports results, golf remains a friendly meeting where you meet people from all walks of life. People I'm going on vacation with today even. We meet with pleasure, it's a good time to share.

What do you always carry in your cart?

I always carry water and chocolate in my bag - a bar of Alter Eco salted butter milk chocolate. In summer it's a little more complicated.

The trio of your favorite golf courses?

It's difficult to do my trifecta. Those that come to mind: Mine, that of Montmorency, is top notch, varied, with a technical course, not too long, in the forest. Le golf du Pic (Paris International Club) - which is private and where I competed last year. Battlefield in Normandy, Grandville by the sea, Chiberta and Chantaco in the South-West and that of Chamonix. The decor is incredible, it's like in the theater I love the sets and costumes as much as the acting. What also counts in golf in addition to the course is the clubhouse, the restaurant, the atmosphere ...

What do you think of the way golf is perceived in France?

In the United States, in Great Britain it is a sport like any other. In France, it has an elitist image, if you play golf you sometimes get the bourgeois label.

It takes time and patience to convince some people that it is a sport. A real sport. Which requires good physical condition.

What would change the vision of golf in France is the advent of a popular champion. This is what happened with Laura Flessel and fencing. She was nice and suddenly the French became passionate about fencing, which is also an elitist sport.

Indeed golf equipment is expensive, the course also sometimes but you can play in beautiful places for not too expensive, buy used equipment ...

I see the image changing but it will be long ..

In September took place the Evian the only major tournament which is played in Continental Europe. Did you have the opportunity to attend?

I had the chance to be invited by Rolex, partner of the competition. I am very curious, especially since I am not a fan of golf on television. I am more moved by a beautiful course, by golf as a hobby and as a pleasure. Women's golf is subtle with an intelligence of the game.

Does your older daughter play well too?

At 14, she is ranked 15, she's doing well but I don't want her to stress about the results. When she wins a competition she is happy but I don't want her to stress about the results. She will never be professional. The day when I take my head with a golf club, I would say to myself that I made the course of it even in the defeat, it is necessary to remain zen.

Your other passions?

Before I did a lot of fencing, tennis. Today is golf. I get up at 3 a.m., go to France 2 and finish at 10 a.m. Then I come back, and at 17 p.m. I have to pick up my children from school. I sleep between 10 a.m. and 14 p.m. It gives me three hours to play.

The Ryder Cup is coming to France in 2018, at the Golf National de Saint Quentin ...

It's great if you can see it on terrestrial channels, accessible to the greatest number. France Television for example. If it is broadcast by an decoded media, that would be sad, because intended only for golfers.

And before, next year, there should be a good performance by a French player at the Olympic Games. This would be a red carpet for the Ryder Cup.

Do you have a favorite player?

I don't know a few. Romain Watel is absolutely charming. He could have an interesting profile to become a media champion.

You are one of William Leymergie's favorites at Télématin, can you take him to a golf course?

It is possible because it is open, pleasant, we can talk about everything with him. so compared to his life profile, he likes beautiful things, nature, life so he probably likes golf ..

You present the morning newspapers at Télématin - the first Morning in France - and sportingly, what is your golf news?

All winter long, the 8 clubs in the Paris region compete against each other every Saturday until the beginning of March. A male team of fifteen players over 40 years old. And next summer I have the chance to go and comment on fencing at the Olympics in Brazil. Why not golf?

ITV: September 17, 2015