How to prevent, identify and deal with harassment at work? This is the subject of the book by Marie Donzel and Charlotte Ringrave, “Harassment at work: beyond clichés, analyze, act and prevent” (Mardaga editions). An essential book to understand and act in the face of this scourge.

Harassment at work: a book to understand and act

Book by Marie Donzel and Charlotte Ringrave, “Harassment at work: beyond clichés, analyze, act and prevent” ©alternego


What is workplace harassment?

Le workplace harassment is a scourge that affects many sectors of activity, notably cinema, where revelations have been coming one after the other for several years. But how to define harassment? What are its consequences for victims, witnesses and organizations? How to prevent, detect and fight it ? These are the questions that are answered Marie Donzel et Charlotte Ringrave, two experts in negotiation and conflict management, in their work “ Harassment at work: beyond clichés, analyze, act and prevent "(Mardaga editions).

Beyond clichés: analyzing the causes and forms of harassment

The authors offer both a theoretical and practical approach to the phenomenon of harassment, based on case studies, testimonies and concrete tools. They dismantle preconceived ideas and stereotypes which surround harassment, and which contribute to trivializing it, minimizing it or denying it. They explain that harassment is not always the work of malicious people, but that it can result from collective dysfunction, a toxic culture or a lack of regulation. They distinguish moral harassment from sexual harassment, while showing that they are often linked and that they arise from the same logic of domination and violence.

Act and prevent: avenues for the different stakeholders involved

The book also offers avenues of action for the various stakeholders affected by harassment: victims, witnesses, managers, human resources, unions, lawyers, etc. The authors give advice on how to protect yourself, express yourself, defend yourself, get support, but also how to intervene, listen, support, sanction, repair, prevent. They also address the issues related to teleworking, which can be a source of protection or vulnerability in the face of harassment, depending on the conditions in which it is implemented.

« Harassment at work » is an essential book for all those who want to understand and act on this major problem in our society, which threatens the health, dignity and performance of individuals and organizations. It is aimed at both professionals and the general public, and calls for collective awareness and mobilization at all levels to make work a place of respect, cooperation and fulfillment.

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