How to distinguish Leonard de Vinci from Michelangelo? A Monet from a Manet? A Picasso of a Braque? And should this sculpture be attributed to Bernini or Rodin? To answer these questions and many more, Orange and Rmn-GP have once again teamed up to offer a MOOC in 5 sequences.

The MOOC A brief history of art gives the keys to understanding works from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXth century, and solid tutorials to learn how to read a painting, a sculpture or even a monument. All in a fun and practical form. It will allow everyone to refresh their knowledge and rediscover the masterpieces of our artistic heritage. It can also be a solid base for all pupils and students preparing for their art history exams.

5 sequences for 5 centuries of art history

  • La Renaissance
  • The great century (XNUMXth century)
  • The Lights (XNUMXth century)
  • The XNUMXth century
  • The XNUMXth century

Concretely, how does it work?

Each course includes videos, additional resources, learning activities and a discussion forum. To follow the courses and all the activities offered, it takes about 2 hours per sequence, but each one freely determines the time he wishes to devote to the course and the order thereof.

At the end of each sequence, a fun quiz allows you to assess yourself on the knowledge acquired and to obtain "knowledge badges". The MOOC allows everyone to freely organize their training course, according to their interests and availability because the courses are accessible 24 hours a day. It is not necessary to make yourself available on a given day and time.

Participants must register on to be able to access content, interact with other participants and appreciate their progress.

Art stories at the Grand Palais

Since the start of the 2016 school year, speakers from the Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais have offered Art Stories, art history courses for everyone. From the discovery of a general history of art to the deepening of its knowledge through thematic cycles, they can experience themselves as a family. The MOOC A brief history of art is a complementary approach.

Orange designs and offers a 6th MOOC with its cultural partners

This is the 6th MOOC offered by Orange in partnership with renowned cultural institutions. The MOOC A brief history of art was conceived with La Réunion des Musées Nationaux-Grand Palais, just like the MOOC Impressionism in 2014 and the MOOC Picasso in 2015. The MOOC Louis XIV was proposed in 2015 with the Palace of Versailles , the MOOC The origins of Man with the Musée de l'Homme in 2016 and recently the MOOC L'instant congé with the Louvre Museum. Over 62 people have already benefited from a rigorous and user-friendly education based on quality content.

By enriching its MOOC Culture collection, Orange confirms its commitment to the creation and dissemination of digital tools to democratize access to knowledge and make culture accessible to as many people as possible.