On the occasion of the 1869th anniversary of the birth of the painter Henri Matisse (1954-1952), the Matisse departmental museum of Câteau-Cambrésis founded by the artist in his hometown in XNUMX, pays homage to the man of the North, unknown, became one of the greatest masters of the XNUMXth century.

Matisse is a child from the North. And Matisse loves the North

In the footsteps of Henri Matisse on his youthful lands

© Matisse Departmental Museum

150 years ago, it was the North that saw the birth of Matisse in a family from Cateau-Cambrésis. The North which also saw Henri take his first steps towards the one who would become Matisse. The artist will remember nothing of his origins. Become an icon, it is in the North, in the land of his parents, that he bequeathed an inestimable heritage of 82 works.

They are at the origin of the foundation, in his hometown, of a museum at the height of his genius which devotes to him from November 9, 2019 to February 9, 2020, an event exhibition, retracing his beginnings and exploring in an unprecedented way his many influences. 250 works by Matisse, including 10 paintings shown to the public for the first time, and 50 remarkable works by Rembrandt, Chardin, De Heem, Barye, Goya, Delacroix, De La Tour, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Renoir, Gauguin, Monet, Rodin , Marquet, Cross, Picasso…; are presented thanks to the exceptional support of the Louvre and Center Pompidou museums and with the help of the greatest French and foreign museums.

The exhibition benefits from the privileged involvement of the Matisse family and the Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation. It advances knowledge about Matisse making it possible to follow the path taken by Henri to become Matisse and to discover "the best that the Masters have".

Like Matisse, the North and its inhabitants have never ceased to reinvent themselves. With this exhibition, the Department of the North honors the extraordinary trajectory of one of its illustrious representatives.

The Department of the North thus participates, with pride, in the international influence of the territory more than ever supported by an abundant cultural vitality. For the 150th anniversary of the birth of Matisse, the World has an appointment at Cateau-Cambrésis

2019 - Matisse Year

On the occasion of the 1869th anniversary of the birth of the painter Henri Matisse (1954-1952), the Matisse departmental museum of Cateau-Cambrésis founded by the artist in his hometown in XNUMX, pays homage to the man of the North, unknown, become the greatest master of the XNUMXth century.

Did you think you knew everything about Matisse's work?
This exhibition reveals the mystery of the first 20 years of his career. It honors his early works since his revelation in painting, his academic training until the closure of his Academy in Paris where he taught until 1911. This decisive and determining period of his identity allows us to understand how The painter was built on his lands in Hauts-De-France, she dissects the creative process of the man who copies the ancients, is inspired by the greatest Masters of the past and his contemporaries, to shake up the codes with " Luxury, calm and voluptuousness ”and impose himself among those he has contemplated.

The exhibition will be structured around two axes: "Matisse pupil" and "Matisse professor", it brings together more than 250 works by Matisse and 50 works by artists that he has looked at: Barye, Davidsz De Heem, Delacroix, Chardin , Quentin de la Tour, Goya, Corot, Camoin, Cézanne, Cross, Gauguin, Manguin, Marquet, Monet, Rodin, Renoir, Picasso. The exhibition takes place in chronological order that highlights the characteristics of its first years of activity: 1- Awakening and taking off in Saint-Quentin, 2- Learning in Paris, 3- Travel and games of influences, 4- In the workshop, 5- Transmission. The exhibition explores his working methods, his exchanges, it replaces Matisse in his role as a teacher and his influences on his students. Finally, it traces the rise of a modest man from a family of weaver and a seed-maker father, who finds his way late and manages by dint of hard work, creativity and daring to impose his name in the world. history of modern art.

It brings together emblematic works thanks to exceptional and unpublished loans from the Matisse family and prestigious ones from international cultural institutions. On this occasion, the public will discover the new acquisition, an early work by Henri Matisse, copied at the Louvre from a painting by Chardin and entitled "La Pourvoyeuse".

Pratical information

Fenelon Palace
Commander Richez Square
59360 Le Cateau-Cambresis

Tel. + 33 (0) 3 59 73 38 00

website: http://lenord.fr
Facebook: https://fb.com/musee.departemental.matisse

Museum open every day except Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m.
Guided tours for adults
Group tours

Information and reservations at +33 (0) 3 59 73 38 03

Full price: 8 €
Reduced price: 6 €
Free: under 18