Blue Green, the number 1 in golf course management in Europe, is organizing the Heart Putt in May 2015 for the benefit of the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association. Objective: save 2 cardiac children!

20150424_PuttDuCoeur_01A solidarity operation with Blue Green

Throughout the month of May 2015 and during the summer, the Blue Green golf network is setting up the Putt du Cœur operation on 40 courses in France. The Heart Putt is a fun and united concept created by Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque which raises funds on the greens to operate on underprivileged children with heart defects.

List of dates and participating golf courses on

The Principle of the Heart Putt

The principle is simple: each Putt returned by the participant during a competition brings 0.2 € to Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque.

  • The player registers for the competition and receives a card to record his putts during the game (the putt summary).
  • At the end of the competition, he pays MCC the sum corresponding to his number of putts, multiplied by the defined amount (0.2 €).

Each participant in the Heart Putt is automatically registered for the Heart Tombola organized by Blue Green, which allows them to win Métropole plane tickets offered by AIR France.

Present in golf for many years, Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque innovates with a unique and accessible concept.

So have Heart so that they have one!