While the next Ryder Cup will take place in Paris next fall, Thomas Bjorn, captain of the European team, confides in his new role after having been assistant captain for several years.

At the microphone of Shane O'Donoghue, presenter of "Living Golf" broadcast each month on CNN International, the Dane also talks about the importance of the European team and his expectations for the next competition. While the Americans are still considered favorites, Thomas Bjorn explains why he seeks the most motivated players, ready to invest in leading the team to victory.

The importance of his role as captain

“It's one of the things I'm most proud of because it was the players who wanted me to take on this responsibility. Exercising this role is an honor for me. I hope I can keep all my promises and lead the European team to victory. "

The city of Paris hosts the tournament

"It is the first time that we are in one of the biggest cities in Europe and we will try to organize what I think is the biggest event of the season. European players have always thought it was the perfect place to host the Ryder Cup. "

The qualities of a good team golf player

“The players who are good are the ones who have this incredible will to win at all costs. They come onto the golf course and don't care how they play. They look and feel superior thanks to their unwavering determination: "I'm going to win this game no matter how I play". "

Represent Europe at the Ryder Cup

“I think the Ryder Cup and the team are one of those unique things that reveal what Europe is as a continent. With these 12 players, we will be proud to represent each European during this week. "

Americans favorite of the competition?

“I always feel that we have so much potential in Europe. We may be outsiders but we will do our best with our players. I really believe that they will emerge victorious from the competition. I would not be in this place if I thought otherwise. "