In order to prepare for a good 2017 season, we offer you various muscle strengthening exercises as well as joint flexibility exercises.

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To execute a swing in good conditions we all need not only good support in the lower limbs but also flexibility in the pelvis of the cervical shoulders and wrists.

This article will consist of two parts:

The first part will deal with the muscular reinforcement of our supports that is to say of our lower limbs as well as our abdominals which maintain in good conditions our lumbars.

We don't think you have to do a muscle mass run to play good golf and have good results. Take the example of Lydia Ko, world number one who is completely female and has an impressive drive length, and she is not the only one.

As for the men, on the Tour, it is not the most "hunkered" who are necessarily in the first places. And as for those who worked their muscle mass, they "paid" for it with numerous injuries.

The second part, perhaps the most important, will deal with different ways of working the flexibility of our upper joints allowing a fluid swing, therefore more efficient and not traumatic.

1 - Reinforcement

The lower limbs

Without good support: no swing.

The hamstrings as well as the quadriceps, that is, the muscles in our thighs, are the foundations of our balance when performing a golf swing.

First exercise

As soon as you have the chance: go up the stairs. On the other hand, be careful when lowering them because the front leg comes up against the lower step and the shock wave can hit your back. If there is an elevator, do not hesitate to use it to descend.

© Steve Chadefaux

Second exercise

Put your back to a wall and lower your bust so that your leg is at 90 ° and hold as long as possible. This exercise is used by many athletes to strengthen their thighs. Repeat this exercise as often as possible.

Third exercise

Stand and balance on one leg for between 30 seconds and a minute, then alternate. Repeat this exercise as often as possible. This exercise strengthens the ankles.


On the back (to avoid being arched), the head resting on a swimming board held on each side, perform leg kicks.

For more efficiency, and the bravest, put on small fins.


The abdominal reinforcement allows a good support of the lumbar as well as a good position in front of the ball.

It's not about doing an abdominal strengthening as you can see in some Rambo-style movies which are quite traumatic.


Lie on your back with your legs folded, feet on the ground, so as not to arch your lower back during exercise, and put your right hand on the left shoulder and the left hand on the right shoulder. Keep your head slightly back.

In this position you will raise the bust towards the knees with a small amplitude while exhaling on the rise on a dynamic rhythm.

Do sets of 20 as often as possible. It is the repetition of these small amplitudes that will make a muscular belly.

© Steve Chadefaux



Sitting on a 90 ° leg stool, put a stick behind your back at the level of the shoulder blades and hold it with your hands, arms vertical. Then bring your left shoulder forward at 90 °, while holding the stick with both hands, then the right shoulder replaces the left shoulder and so on, in rotation.

Remember to breathe out whenever your right or left shoulder comes forward. This exercise is not particularly restrictive, and we can therefore do sets of 50.

2 - The relaxation

© Steve Chadefaux

A - The lower limbs

During the execution of the golf swing the lower limbs are rotated.

They must therefore be solid but also flexible enough not to be like two posts anchored in the ground, which would prevent any rotation.

There is a very simple movement to soften both the thighs and the calves.

Both hands against a wall straight leg stretched left leg folded and alternate.

Lumbar spine

Sitting on his bust heels broken forward chin chest arm outstretched without taking off the buttocks from the heels. Grab a few centimeters with your hands, hold the position for 10 seconds, then come back very slowly without straightening up suddenly. Repeat several times.

© Steve Chadefaux

The rotation

10 cm from a wall rotated by touching both hands on the wall behind you at the back swing as at the finish.

© Steve Chadefaux

B-The upper part


With your right arm bring your left arm to the right, with your left arm bring your arm to the left. The purpose of this exercise is to release muscular tension in your shoulders as well as to help the rotation of the upper part of your bust.

© Steve Chadefaux

The trapezoids

Standing, head straight, join your hands behind your back, arms outstretched and lower your hands to stretch your shoulders as much as possible.

Repeat this exercise as often as possible.

© Steve Chadefaux

The wrists

Join two hands, intertwine your fingers, and do twenty twists. Do this exercise as often as possible to soften your handles and at the same time strengthen them. This can prevent injury when you hit the ball incorrectly.


From a certain age we all develop osteoarthritis. In order to maintain a good head rotation despite everything, it is essential to make head rotations regularly. This will strengthen the neck muscles which provide good inter-vertebral support and slow the progression of osteoarthritis.


On the other hand if you have a back pain, neck pain or sciatica consult an osteopath to avoid the recurrent installation of these pains.

All these muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises can only be done if there is no declared pathology such as herniated disc, meniscal fracture, ligament tearing, etc.

If there is no declared pathology, it is nevertheless essential to perform these exercises without forcing, and to hydrate at the same time.

Good work to all and we will see you next season.

By Steve Chadefaux
PGA Golf Pro
Mental trainer
Osteopath DO

Steve will make himself available to the readers of! Do not hesitate to contact him for all your back and swing problems!
tel: +33 (0) 607 211 441