Since the 1er December, the Blue Green la Domangère golf course has a brand new driving range which replaces the old structure, which is over 20 years old. What cheers subscribers and players of this golf who will be able to indulge in the practice of their swing sheltered from winter.

Photo: DR

Photo: DR

Since December 1st, the Blue Green la Domangère golf course has had a brand new driving range which replaces the old structure which is over 20 years old. What cheers subscribers and players of this golf who will be able to indulge in the practice of their swing sheltered from winter.

Last step of a project aiming at a larger rehabilitation of the training areas on the golf course, the new practice of the Domangère was inaugurated on Sunday December 13 in the presence of Mr. Rivoisy, Mayor of Nesmy, Mr. Bouard, Mayor of La Roche on Yon and the President of the Loire Valley League, Alain Vallet.

Photo: DR

Photo: DR

Highly anticipated by all players, this new practice replaces an old aging shelter which celebrates its 28th anniversary this year, while adding 3 additional positions (9 covered against 8, and 14 against 12 discovered until today). This construction completes the layout of the training area which began with the creation of an additional approach green and the conversion of the former practice shelter into a shelter for field equipment.

In 2016, the improvement of this training area will be completed with the drainage in front and behind the practice line, the replacement of distance targets, the shelter of the ball machines and the creation of 3 grass posts.

This global project led by Blue Green is part of the development of the quality of reception, of the structures and of the golf course of La Domangère which has already seen the following works in parallel this year: the development of the parking lot, the replacement sand from the bunkers and relocation of the washing area.

Some figures on the practice

  • Project started in 2013
  • Global cost in 2015: 45 k € (global investment 55 k €)
  • 9 covered stations and 14 discovered stations

Partner companies

  • "Daniel Mocquet signs your aisles" - Mr Christophe REMAUD (earthworks, asphalt)
  • "JARNY Bâtiment" - Mr Laurent JARNY (masonry)
  • "CARAPAX" - Mr François LEROUX (shelter)
  • "SARL BARRETEAU" - Mrs BARRETEAU father and son (cladding)
  • "EGI" - Mr Willy ROBLIN (electricity)

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