What if the perfect swing finally found its effectiveness in a gesture that was as natural as possible, favoring instinct over technique? For expert Stéphane Bachoz, creator of FlowMotion Golf: it's obvious! You think that to play golf, you have to spend years learning the right moves to become successful on the courses ... Think again !

Flow Motion Golf: an innate swing just waiting to be expressed!

Photo: DR

For Stéphane Bachoz, Golf Developer for the PGA's of Europe, whether you are a beginner, an avid amateur, or a golfer in need of progress, the swing is already in you. You just have to allow him to express himself ...The writing of swing-feminin.com has tested for you, the results are amazing ...

FlowMotion Golf: an incredible revolution!

For this, Stéphane and Olga, have a unique, simple and effective approach to golf. Forgotten, sometimes complicated, and often discouraging academic techniques, give way to a Natural Gesture, based on your motor preference and reliable technical benchmarks.

Stéphane Bachoz teaches golf in a fun way, through the concept of Triangulaid created by Welshman Bill Owens in 1991. It is a design in three learning phases that will open up all the possibilities on the course ...

Here: 4 free videos to discover your innate swing

FlowMotion Golf: one team, one state of mind, one goal

Flow Motion Golf: an innate swing just waiting to be expressed!

Photo: DR

Guided by a thirst to transmit the LOVE of this GAME, the whole team is committed to giving you all the tools so that YOUR learning is the keystone of all our group and individual lessons.

Thanks to compatible messages with the brain you will be happy to learn on your own and you will become your own teacher.

Stephane BACHOZ

A drug addict repented in 1989, he discovered golf and adopted it as a stronger alternative drug. He stops the heroine… At the same time, he joins the Bistro Romain Group and becomes its Development Director.

Since 1995, following a cancer, he decides to live from his passion: Golf.

On his way to the unknown, he meets and engages with Mr Bill Owens, founder of the "Educational Golf" project and the Triangulaid Golf concept, to participate in building a different world ...


Former Coach and Choreographer of Figure Skating on ice and on rollers, Olga started golf barely 10 years ago. Born in Moscow, Golf has never been the National sport for her!

However, thanks to the simplicity of FlowMotion Golf's learning process, she will become a State Certified Professional Coach in less than… 10 years! To all those who think that playing golf well is long and boring, we will have to rethink again!

With the FlowMotion Golf, swing as you walk

Sensations, balance, rhythm and coordination for a mental earthquake! If some people tend to think that golf, everything is played in the arms, for Stéphane Bachoz, on the contrary! It is essential to integrate that everything starts from the power of your equipment and not always that of the player.

The arms, as when walking, will follow the movement of the body and not the other way around. This is the basis for being able to find your Natural Gesture in the image of your way of walking!

It is time, indeed, to put an end to the received idea that there is only one way to stand and move. It's very simple, there are as many as there are ages and morphologies.

More than a sport, an orgasmic game!

Finally, detach yourself from the traditional codes of this game by simplifying its learning. You will discover a revolutionary process in total opposition to traditional methods. Result: you regain confidence in yourself, in your body, in your game and develop a mind of steel for a better approach to success!

To (re) find extreme, almost orgasmic gaming pleasure!

Flow Motion Golf: an innate swing just waiting to be expressed!

Photo: DR

Golf is good for your health

A Swedish study showed that golfers had a longer life expectancy of 5 years. Indeed, golf makes walking and thus decreases the cardiovascular and pulmonary risks and increases the HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol). Its benefits do not end there. When we know that the simple fact of making a swing requires 13 joints and 69 muscles, we can draw conclusions!

Good for the mind, it particularly promotes reflection, composure and concentration. Finally, if all this did not convince you, know that a golf course can burn between 750 and 1125 calories while an hour of cycling eliminates 400 to 600.

Get oxygen, concentrate, exercise, build muscle, calm down ...

10 good reasons to take up golf:

  1. Gain 5 years of life expectancy! (see report of a recent Swedish Golf and Health study)
  2. A good way to reconnect with Nature: Change of scenery guaranteed!
  3. It is a real Art of Living, the pleasure of walking in beautiful landscapes, of discovering club houses where conviviality reigns, sharing of good tables and friendly meetings!
  4. It's a Game that boosts mental health, self-esteem and self-confidence (see Health and Care study) and it's good for morale!
  5. It's the perfect game to develop new friendships or professional relationships!
  6. No, Golf is not expensive! Green fee day in our club in Noisy-le-Roi (78) at 32 €!
  7. Improves and maintains the respiratory system, balance and muscle strength.
  8. A “mindful” golf walk is beneficial for the brain and promotes the balance of neurotransmitters.
  9. Age is not a handicap!
  10. Less risk of injury!

To find out more about FlowMotion Golf: click here