The lumbar are the lowest vertebrae of the spine in direct relation to the pelvis. This region suffers many constraints during a bad positioning of the pelvis during the swing, caused either by a club too long or too short, either by a wrong position or technique during the rotating movement.

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Indeed, the inclination of the pelvis in a rocking movement instead of a rotational movement generates a very high pressure at the articular surfaces of the lumbar.

The repeated bad movement coupled with an asymmetrical posture eventually causes spinal compressions which can cause low back pain (muscle / joint lumbar pain), sciatica (pain in the path of the sciatic nerve in the buttock and behind the thigh / calf), cruralgia (pain on the inner side of the thigh) or herniated discs (involvement of the intervertebral disc).

Lumbar injuries account for approximately 15% of the injuries caused by improper golfing.

Preventive exercises to be performed in relaxation

Objective: avoid the rocking swing which can cause spinal injuries

© Steve Chadefaux

Exercice n ° 1

Take your club and place the end of the grip at the level of your navel. Then extend your hands on the club until both of your arms are extended in front of you. Take your stance, bust slightly broken on the front, pelvis behind, legs slightly bent (VERY IMPORTANT!).

Then perform rotating movements of the pelvis and shoulders in parallel, dynamically, but without forcing. Perform this rotation movement from the center to the right and chaining to the left (for a right-handed person), ten times, well resting on the ground. Have your club head 1 meter in amplitude right and left.

Rest for a few moments, then repeat the exercise two or three times, so that you really become aware of the rotation of the pelvis. Be fully focused when doing this work. Think of nothing but the present moment and breathe.

Benchmark: You can make sure that you do a good rotation of your pelvis, if the angle formed by your club and the navel remains unchanged, from the beginning to the end of the exercise.

© Steve Chadefaux

Exercice n ° 2

Stand with your back, your heels about 20 cm from a wall or a door. Arms and knees slightly bent. Bust slightly forward, pelvis back: This posture allows you to respect the proper rotation of your lower back (VERY IMPORTANT).

Now, you will put the palm of your hands on the rise (of an imaginary club) against the wall behind you, by performing a rotation of the upper body and the pelvis to the right, then to the left (for right-handers) in ending on the tip of the rear foot (finish).

Benchmark: You can only touch the wall when climbing (as at the finish) only if you have a good rotation of the pelvis. Are you rocking? Impossible !

Repeat this exercise as often as possible to memorize the rotation of the pelvis AND relax.

By Steve Chadefaux
PGA Golf Pro
Mental trainer
Osteopath DO

Steve will make himself available to the readers of! Do not hesitate to contact him for all your back and swing problems!
tel: +33 (0) 607 211 441