For the 4th year, the Rotary Club of Sèvres Ville d'Avray is organizing for the benefit of the association “Le Rire Médecin”, also known under the name “Nez Rouges”, a magnificent day of golf on the beautiful Marivaux course.
Display your '' Red Nose '' on May 29 in Marivaux!

On the right the organizers Bérénice Marques and Bernard Philippot
On the left Mrs Laurence Fontaine Descambres, the association Rire Médecin and Mr Lionel LOYER 2014 President of Rotary Sèvres Ville d'Avray - Photo: DR

20150407_LaughingMedicine_02They are professional clowns who work in pediatric hospitals to provide children with moments of laughter and joy that will allow them to forget, if only for a moment, their pain and suffering. The first three editions made it possible to donate € 11 to the association. As every year, many of you are expected for this 000th edition, in a scramble in teams of two.

Green fee € 85 (including green fee and its goodies - 3-course lunch - a donation of € 20) -
Two-player scramble format - shot gun start

And as this day will be placed under the sign of laughter and golf, many prizes will come to reward the generous participants, including a trip to Morocco.

Note, a superb Hummer H3 to be won on the one hole in 1 test.

Download your registration form here

Find out more on the association's website: