Posted on October 12, 2018 in Stars.
Ela's dictation: "Put on your sneakers and beat the disease" - Monday, October 15, 2018 everywhere in France
"Put on your sneakers and beat the disease", the flagship campaign of the European Association against Leukodystrophies *, sponsored by Zinédine Zidane, will start on Monday 15 October in more than 2500 schools by the ELA Dictation entitled "Leukodystrophy".
"Put on your sneakers and beat the disease", the flagship campaign of the European Association against Leukodystrophies, sponsored by Zinédine Zidane, will begin on Monday, October 15 in more than 2500 schools with the ELA Dictation entitled "Leukodystrophy".
La Dictée d'ELA: strong moments of exchanges and discussions with students on illness, respect for difference, solidarity and disability. The text is read everywhere in France, on the same day, in classrooms by a teacher, an ELA ambassador or a personality. The Ministry of National Education has supported the campaign since 1996. Convinced of the power of words and their scope to awaken students to citizenship.
“Put on your sneakers” at school, a citizen campaign in two highlights:
Each year, this campaign enables students and their teachers to discuss the values of solidarity and respect, and to collect funds to finance medical research as well as support for the families concerned. It revolves around 2 strong moments:
- October 15, 2018: time for reflection with ELA's Dictation. Students from thousands of schools, from primary to secondary, will work on the text written by Alice Zeniter, imbued with the fight of people affected by leukodystrophy. Personalities from the world of sport, song, cinema, television… will take on the role of teacher for a day in the classrooms by reading the dictation to the students.
- From October 15 to 20, 2018: time for action with a sporting (cross country, team sports tournaments, etc.) or cultural event. The students symbolically lend their legs to their classmates affected by leukodystrophy who can no longer use them. Beforehand, they look for people around them who agree to reward their efforts for the benefit of ELA by making a donation.
Students, essential support for children and adults affected by leukodystrophy:
511 students took part in the campaign during the 000/2017 school year. Their support is essential. The students are mobilizing for Fanny, Tristan, Léonie… (find the reports on the ELA YouTube channel), all the children and adults affected by the disease.
Their commitment allows ELA to fund medical research and support families every year: more than 33 million euros have been raised thanks to students since 1994.
The mobilization of students is also essential so that children and adults affected by the disease, as well as their parents and relatives, keep their spirits: they feel supported and supported in this difficult fight against the disease.
To know more : click here